
Advanced usage

Test Problems

In order to develop a robust code, test problems regarding data fitting with outliers have been created. All the problems are available in directory test/test_problems. All the problems have the form

\[\begin{array}{ccccc} k & & & & \\ x_{11} & x_{12} & ... & x_{1k} & f_1\\ ... & & & & \\ x_{np,1} & x_{np,2} & ... & x_{np,k} & f_{np} \end{array}\]

where $k$ is the number of variables of the model (not the number of parameters!), $np$ is the number of data points to be adjusted, $x_{ij}$ are the values selected for parameter $j$ in experiment $i$ and $f_i$ is the result obtained for experiment $i$.

Script files

During the development and testing of RAFF several scripts and pieces of Julia code have been created. Those files are mostly related to the automated generation of test problems and visualization of the solutions. All those files are located in the test/scripts directory.

We explain each file below, so maybe more advanced users can modify and re-use the code to generate their own problems.